Wednesday, August 26, 2020
A Judge’s Decision Has Potential Bias Due To Crime :: Legal Research Papers
A Judge’s Decision Has Potential Bias Due To Crime Presentation A Clemson University Student named Erin Brophy did an analysis to check whether there was likely inclination in a lawful case contingent upon the wrongdoing. She did this in the wake of catching wind of an examination performed by Dr. Ben Stephens and Dr. Spurgeon Cole. They needed to know whether an earlier relationship between a legal advisor and an appointed authority had possible legal predisposition. Erin Brophy found that there is no distinction in wrongdoing whether an appointed authority will be one-sided. She reviewed individuals to perceive what their supposition was. The two violations in her examination were robbery and murder (Brophy). Since there was no distinction in her analysis, we needed to make the distinctions in the wrongdoings progressively extraordinary. We needed to discover whether there is a contrast among shoplifting and murder. We anticipated that there will be increasingly predisposition for the legal advisor in the homicide case and that the adjudicator ought to be evacuated. Techniques We gave the study to 160 individuals for this examination. There were 16 investigations and each test gathered 10 studies, five with the wrongdoing being shoplifting and the other half being murder. There was a great deal of inconstancy in determination strategies. One model was choosing companions to take the review. The members included both male and females. The last example size was 120 individuals. 64% were females and 36% were guys. The age scope of the members was 17 to 25. The mean age was 19.69. Materials A study was given to the members to check whether the adjudicator would be predisposition possibly in support of the lawyer, and on the off chance that he ought to be expelled from the case. The review asked the person’s sexual orientation and age. The following two inquiries posed if there was possible inclination for and against the lawyer. The last inquiry posed if the appointed authority ought to be pardoned from the case. The kind of wrongdoing had two distinct renditions. On half of the reviews, the wrongdoing was shoplifting and the other half was murder. The estimation of the predisposition from the inquiries was by circumnavigating â€Å"yes†or â€Å"no.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Real Estate Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Land Development - Essay Example Graaskamp underlined that engineers have a task to carry out in having social effects on the network (Greer 34). The land choices they have effect incredibly on how the earth of neighborhood will turn out. The engineers need to discover methods of separating past requirements to accompany land arrangements that are ideal for the area. Graaskamp meaning of task plausibility by expressing that â€Å"a land venture is doable when the land investigator confirms that there is a sensible probability of fulfilling unequivocal targets when a chose strategy is tried for fit to a setting of explicit imperatives and restricted resources†(Graaskamp 515). Graaskamp’s idea of venture attainability is significant in concentrating on the suspicions that are associated with the choice to make land advancements. By considering venture possibility, designers get an opportunity of settling on land choices that are valuable for the market and the speculators also (Etter 95). In land improvement, the term advertise is utilized to depict practicality study alludes to the assessment of a project’s practicability. The achievability study is regularly done on the normal cost, working execution and home loan economic situations. A project’s practicality study comprises of a money related and showcase examination (Graaskamp 517). This examination is significant as it assists engineers with building up whether a proposed venture can produce enough money to pay credits and development obligation benefits just as give enough value capital return. A venture plausibility study targets responding to the accompanying inquiries: what's happening with the designer? Who is he doing it for? Whom will he influence? Does the venture bode well? (520) A market study is portrayed by Graaskamp as the examination of geographic fracture examples, patterns and
Monday, August 17, 2020
I want you to burn
I want you to burn DID YOU KNOW? The word meaning the closest approach of an orbiting body to Mars is periareion. My dorm, Burton-Conner, is the best. Even though we havent meaningfully updated our web page in two and a half years, were still the best. Why? Kitchen space. As Laura showed you, each floor is arranged into suites of 4-10 people each. This means that for a modest reduction in room size, every 6 people in the dorm get a full kitchensink, cabinets, two refrigerators, stove, and oven. No lugging a Target refrigerator from Omaha, NE in the back of your parents minivan. It also means that we have the highest per-capita average of fire alarms of any dorm on the MIT campus. Because just because you go to MIT doesnt mean you know that you should take the wrapper off of a microwave burrito, or that you shouldnt put pita chips in the oven and then forget about them. Not that its necessarily a bad thingI never would have met the former second-best Goldeneye player in the world if it werent for a random fire alarm at Burton-Conner. (I WAS SO EXCITED) Long long ago, I heard something, maybe on these blogs, about the culture of a dorm being somehow determined by its physical structure. I think Burton-Conners culture is pretty much defined by fire alarms. Yeah, fire alarms and thats it. Its rare for any freshman to live in Burton-Conner for more than two weeks without hearing exactly how to prevent a catastrophe: Close the door when youre cooking and open the windows. The suite alarm can go off for three minutes before the dorm alarm kicks in and everyone needs to evacuate. If somethings on fire, cover it or throw it out the window! Actually, its rare for any freshman to live in Burton-Conner for two weeks without having a fire alarm go off. Just because its 3 AM, or 12 degrees outside, or the night before the Boston Marathon, doesnt mean that someone knows how to cook a pepperoni n cheese Hot Pocket. People usually take the minute before the fire department gets there to put on their finest attire and grab some playing cards or a s nack. Then later w reminisce about how much fun we had playing hearts or secret card or whatever at a particular fire alarm, and how cold it was. I know 3 sets of people whose facebook friendship status is They met randomly: Burton-Conner Fire Alarm! I even wrote lyrics to the ringing alarm. Basically, if Burton-Conner ever actually burns down, were all pretty much doomed. But doomed awesomely. And since its better to show, not tell, I grabbed my camera last night. You might think its stupid for me to just show 15 pictures of my ridiculously attractive friends standing outside a non-burning building, but lets see what kind of blog entries you come up with when someone wakes you up at 3 AM. Oh no! A fire! You better ring the alarm! Unfazed, Gabe 08 makes his traditional mug of hot cocoa for the road. The only two exceptions were the time that he set it off while insouciantly frying a hamburger and the time that he was in the middle of a boss battle in Zelda: Twilight Princess, so he locked the lounge door and hid under a couch so the firemen wouldnt reprimand him. Well, I can do that too. I got a little worried that the fire department was going to find us there and yell at us (they have threatened to make everyone sleep outside after finding someone hiding under his covers hoping that the torturous noise would finally end), but Gabe assured me, no, I do this EVERY TIME. As you can see, Gabe does look pretty rowdy drinking his cocoa, doesnt he? Its a tradition. Sung 10 has an adorable hat and is saying something, probably, Its Lauren 10s birthday and theres a fire alarm! Because everybody at MIT talks like that and says peoples class year right after their name. We really do talk in numbers here. Richard 09 sympathizes. When Ling 07 saw that I was taking pictures, I think she said something like, You should take one of me because Im not wearing any pants. Trust me. Or you could ask Evan 10 in the background. Anyway, I gave her some cocoa to thank her for this awesome pose. Jeremy 09 brought his Mac outside so people could watch House. Everyone was entranced, except David 09 who apparently likes me better than Hugh Laurie. Neither the late hour nor House nor the fact that it only snowed, like, one centimeter could stop Jeremy from throwing snowballs at his girlfriend Alice 09. Oh, kids. Sam, you have a camera? Psh, Laura, Im blogging this [stuff]. Thats what it should say on the back of our blogger t-shirts. THIS IS THE REAL MIT! I dont think I really said that last thing, but in my head I did. In my head Im also six foot one. Then I just started taking some portraits, which turned out surprisingly decent considering it was 3 AM. E-mail me if you want any names or phone numbers! Evan 10 hes wholesome! Mason 10 he can moonwalk! Richard 09 hes from Wisconsin! MARK 09 the lowest grade he got all term was an 88%! And he builds killer robots! I didnt really capture it well here, but there was actually a few puffs of smoke trickling out of the second-from-top floor window, which is much closer to an actual fire than most of our alarms are. It also meant that we had to stay outside for an extra 10 minutes while the air cleared. But the end of the alarm has come often, and continues to often come. We headed back inside to beds or Wiis and decided that we would do this again sometime. Probably sooner than we want. THIS IS THE REAL MIT! Post Tagged #Burton-Conner House
Sunday, May 24, 2020
ROMANS 96-13 Essay - 4798 Words
THEOLOGICAL CENTRE FOR ASIA ROMANS 9:6-13 AN EXEGETICAL PAPER SUBMITTED TO DR CHUL WOO LEE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF BNT524 CONTEMPORARY HERMENEUTICS CONTENTS INTRODUCTIONnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1 OVERVIEW OF ROMANS 9-11nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1 TRANSLATION OF ROMANS 9:6-13nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3 INNER TEXTUREnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;4 Repetitive Texture and Patternnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;4 Opening-Middle-Closing Texture and Patternnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;6 INTERTEXTUREnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;7 Oral-Scribal Intertexturenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;7 Social†¦show more content†¦If this section is missing, there would be a hiatus leaving us with unanswered questions and the corresponding perplexity. Chapters 9 to 11 comprise of â€Å"a carefully composed and rounded unit with a clear beginning (9:1-5) and end (11:33-36).†Paul begins on a personal note, expressing his concern for his own people. He is fraught over their condition. Next, he gives a positive assertion: â€Å"it is not as though the word of God has failed†(9:6). This states a possible implication from what Paul had written in verses 1-5. Paul, who has written so stridently on the justification of sinners, now turns to write on the justification (vindication) of God himself (cf. 3:3, 4). He reminds them that the God is free and sovereign in what he does. In chapter 10, he turns the discussion to the Jews’ mistake in trying to establish their own righteousness before God in terms of meritorious obedience to the law instead of responding to the gospel of Christ by faith. God had not set Israel aside arbitrarily. In chapter 11, Paul writes about Israel’s rejection being not complete, for there was a believing remnant and a mass conversion of Israel will occur. In addition, during this temporary rejection, God continues his work of grace by saving many Gentiles. The figure of the olive tree emphasizes that Gentile salvation is dependent on Israel’s covenant relationship to God. Gentiles have to be grafted into the olive treeShow MoreRelatedI Peter 3 : 181062 Words  | 5 Pagesour hearts, then the Spirit would also go to hell. He is our earnest and we are kept by Him, giving eternal security. Not only does the Holy Spirit indwell the believer, but He fills the believer (Luke 1:15,41,67; (Acts 2:4,33,38; 4:8,31; 6:3,5; 7:55; 9:17; Ephesians 4:3,4,23,30). In the Old Testament, He came upon folks and also left folks, but He is here to stay in those He fills. The Holy Spirit is a person, just as real as God and in fact is the Spirit of God that indwells the believerRead MoreFinal Exam on Soteriology830 Words  | 4 Pagesobjectively effective. Include scripture from Hebrews, Leviticus, and Romans 3. If the blood of bulls and goats does not really pay for sin, as the writer of Hebrews (10:1, 4) tells us, what effect did these sacrifices really have? Leviticus promises forgiveness (1:4, 4:20, 26, 5:10, 16, etec). What does that mean? It had to do with the heart attitude of the person giving the sacrifice. 3. Be able to show how Romans 9:13-16 and 11:2 indicate that God’s foreknowledge is not mere knowledgeRead MorePerhaps One Plans To Someday Come To God For Salvation,741 Words  | 3 Pagesis nothing that they can do. In fact, they are over two thousand years too late. God has exalted Christ â€Å"and given him a name which is above every name:†Philippians 2:9. Christ willingly went to the cross, paid in full the price to redeem sinful man, was buried, raised by God from the grave by His Holy Spirit (Romans 8:11), and exalted Him with His right hand. He sits at the right hand of God in the highest Heaven, ruling with God, exalted to be a Prince, to be a sovereign ruler with GodRead MoreThe As A State Of Being Essay1180 Words  | 5 Pagesthe context of Romans 8:1-17. The first category is a state of being. There are many passages that use the word flesh in this way including: Romans 7:5, 8:3, 9:8, 13:14; and Galatians 2:16, 3:3, 5:13. Romans 9:8 states it best in saying, â€Å"That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants.†(NASB. It depends on what you are a child of, the flesh or God. Being a child of flesh is a state of being. Romans 13:14 also depictsRead MoreObservation Question Implication Of The Bible845 Words  | 4 PagesObservation Question Implication 1. Romans 1:16 â€Å"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek (all Gentiles).†1. Why is this important and who was it being pointed at? 1. What was being said is that the savior has come. This was risky especially in this time. Finally, this also means that Jesus is God. The others are following false prophets. 2. Romans 1:16 â€Å"For I am not ashamed of the gospelRead MoreThe Declaration Of The Requirements For The Completion Of Essay1509 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.1 Literal View†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....3 Future for Israel†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...5 Significance†¦.................................................................................................................6 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.7 Bibliography†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....8 ii Introduction The Abrahamic Covenant was established in Genesis 12:2-3, this is the first time God spoke to Abraham and instituted thisRead MoreGovernment Differences In The Government Of Rome And Rome736 Words  | 3 Pagestheir style of governance as well. In the following short paragraphs, Rome and Carthage’s government differences will be discussed. First, the Roman government shared some similarities to the Carthaginian government, however, there were also many differences. The Roman government, on a very basic level was different then the Carthaginian government. The Romans had a temporary dictator that could be called on if needed when there was a crisis in terms of warfare. This dictator could only be active forRead MoreCapital Punish Relating to The Old Testament Essay1430 Words  | 6 Pagesin which God orders the use of capital punishment, with the acts of God Himself. God was somehow involved directly or maybe indirectly, in the taking of life as a punishment for Israel or whomever threatened or harm the city of Israel. In Genesis 6-8, when it speaks about Noah and the flood . Understand that I am bringing a deluge flood waters on the earth to destroy all flesh under heaven with the breath of life in it; Everything on earth will die (Genesis 7:17). God killed all humans and animalsRead MoreRomans And The Christian Worldview1546 Words  | 7 Pages Romans and the Christian Worldview Todd M. Lynch L25710767 BIBL 425 D01 08/15/2015 â€Æ' Romans and the Christian Worldview Introduction Paul’s letter to the Roman’s was an occasional epistle as opposed to a systematic theology. However, Paul did present the Gospel in a systematic way. He was writing to an unknown audience of Christian’s, so he made sure to explain himself thoroughly in all areas, more so than if he was writing to those who knew him or had heard him speak before. He wanted to giveRead MoreThe Bible Study872 Words  | 4 PagesRomans Chapter twelve 1. As a new lieutenant in the Bridgewater Corps, I have discovered the absence of a weekly bible study. My first order of distinction is to add Bible study to my weekly calendar, because without the studying of the word, there is no growth. It is also important for Christian to study the word of God regularly and fellowship together. 2. The importance of the Bible is for us to study God’s word daily and be accountable for each other. This Bible will bring to their
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Effects Of Alcohol And Drug Abuse On Criminal Activities
Discussion: Whilst many theorists have differing views on whether or not alcohol and drug abuse is related to criminal activities, there are however a variety of preventative and intervention methods known commonly as ‘harm reduction’. This theory aims to assist in society’s responses in how we intervene when it comes to drug abusers as well as how the use of drug taking harms society itself. Such designed strategies aim to reduce and eventually stop substance abuse. Harm reduction methods can come in the form of intervention programmes (such as rehabilitation programmes), or access to health clinics and support groups that include needle exchange services for drug injectors and these aim to lessen the after effects that are linked with substance abuse and criminal activities. According to Newcombe, R. (1992), Harm Reduction can be defined as ‘a term that defines policies, programmes, services and actions that work to reduce the health, social and economic harm’, as well as ‘to reduce the harms to individuals, communities and society’. Many local and international organisations can attest to and be evidence of the usefulness of the harm reduction theories (each having their own or similar approaches). Some of these organisations include Drugscope – a popular UK charity, NTA – National Treatment Agency (for Substance Misuse), and also CCSA – The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. The CCSA has a 4 step approach in how to deal with reducing harm for drug misusers and society.Show MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Substance Abuse and Crime Essay1268 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Drugs and Alcohol abuse†, are phrases we hear commonly on the radio, television or in discussions of social problems. People believe it is the user’s personal choice however; it is not only a personal problem that dramatically affects individuals’ life but is a major social problem that affects society as whole. It has become one of the biggest problems in United States today. Alcohol or Drug abuse nearly automatically is linked with criminal acts. The statistical association between alcoholRead MoreLong-term consequences of Child Abuse on the Society1559 Words  | 7 Pagesof Child Abuse Child abuse is the physical, emotional, or sexual mistreatment of a child by his or her parent or guardian. Many do not realize how many children are abused in their homes every day. According to a publication titled Child Maltreatment 2008, children are more likely to be the victim of child abuse and neglect than they are to be the victim of anything else (Speak-Up-Be-Safe). In fact, more than one million children in the United States alone are a victim of child abuse (WisdomRead MoreThe Effects Of Drug Abuse On The United States1717 Words  | 7 Pagesdemonstrate the absurdity of the drug abuse problems in the United States, it should be brought to light that the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use Health estimated that â€Å"27 million people aged 12 or older have used an illicit drug in the past 30 days†(Hedden, Kennet, Lipari, Medley, Tice, 2015). As gun violence has become a popular topic in America over the past few years due to its’ related deaths, many Americans’ fail to realize that more people are dying from drug overdose than by weapon. In today’sRead MoreSubstance Abuse : A Social Problem1608 Words  | 7 Pagesmust also take substance abuse into consideration because it is all too often neglected. According to the World Health Organization, substance abuse â€Å"refers to the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs†(Substance). Individuals who become victims of substance abuse become dependent on and overindulge in substances such as drugs and alcohol. The outside forces in our world today influence behaviors including substance abuse, ultimately displaying theRead MoreMarijuana Laws Restrict The Growth And Use Of Marijuana1513 Words  | 7 PagesDuring the 1920’s and 1930’s, the drug raised fears linked with illegal immigrants and criminal activity. (â€Å"Marijuana Timeline†). Then, during World War II, cannabis regained its po pularity and support as â€Å"Hemp for Victory†(â€Å"Marijuana Timeline†). In the following years, the federal government created laws restricting the growth and use of marijuana. Specifically, drug organizations, such as The Bureau of Dangerous Drugs of the Food and Drug Administration, and The Drug Enforcement Agency influencedRead MoreDifference Between Drug Use And Drug Abuse1515 Words  | 7 PagesExplain what is meant by the â€Å"drug abuse continuum†? Explain each of the levels on the continuum. How does the continuum help to explain the difference between drug use and drug abuse? Drug abuse continuum is referred to the stages of substances abuse and usage. This theory is to assess where a person is at in their drug abuse. It helps rate, which treatment is proper, if needed. The stages defined in the continuum are non-use, experimental use, and culturally endorsed us. They are also known asRead More Drug Abuse Essay690 Words  | 3 Pages Drug abuse is a widespread problem that makes individual drug users the prime victims. But drugs also affect all of us, wherever we live and whatever we do. Drug abuse can cause serious physical and mental deterioration. The problem can tear apart the family structure and make it hard for learning. Difficulties on the job due to drug abuse make it hard for employers to run their businesses. Stealing form employers or from individuals to get money from for drugs causes pain and economic loss to theRead MoreBody. Alcohol Is Surprisingly The Largest Consumed Drug1608 Words  | 7 PagesBody Alcohol is surprisingly the largest consumed drug when it comes to the United States, and with that comes a higher addiction rate than those drugs deemed illegal such as heroin or even marijuana still (Thio, Taylor, Schwartz, 2013). Due to this epidemic that is rarely discussed in the same categorization of illegal substances, there is a bit of a justification seen that alcohol use is not as severe. Yet data shows that is not the case, because alcohol abuse leads in terms of arrestsRead MoreThe Fair Sentencing Act For Mandatory Minimum Sentences953 Words  | 4 Pageswere assessments of change from the five stages of change model (Norcross, j. c., n.d.), the Fair Sentencing Act for mandatory minimum sentences (American Civil Liberties Union, 2010), and eliminating government involvement in regulation of drugs and alcohol substance, while allowing the various states to manage control (ABC, 2007). The first salient point was based on Norcross (n.d.) explaining that finding out and recognizing where the consumer thinks he/she is within the process of changeRead MoreTreatment And Treatment Of Rehabilitation954 Words  | 4 Pageshave two different meanings- to bring (someone or something) back to a normal healthy conditions after an illness, injury or drug problems; or to teach a criminal in prison to live a normal and productive life. Approaches to treatment range from individual to group methods. Correctional officers must discover what works for which offender in what context. History of Drugs Shamanism- a practice among primitive societies dating back, by some estimates, more than 40,000 years, in which an individual
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Resource Management Plan for the Wash Sector in Kenya Free Essays
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE WASH SECTOR IN KENYA Institute: Institute OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND ADAPTION Introduction The Republic of Kenya is located in East Africa at latitudes of 5 ° South and 5.5 ° North and longitudes 34 ° East and 42 ° West surrounding Somalia to the East, Ethiopia to the North, democracy of South Sudan to the North West, Uganda to the West, Tanzania to the South West and the Indian Ocean to South. [ 1 ] Harmonizing to the AEA Technology Plc. We will write a custom essay sample on Resource Management Plan for the Wash Sector in Kenya or any similar topic only for you Order Now clime alteration projections for Kenya up to 2100 include: Rise in the mean one-year temperature by between 1 °C and 5 °C typically 1 °C by 2020s and 4 °C by 2100 ; Possible displacement toward a wetting agent clime in both showery seasons peculiarly in the short rains OND ( October, November, and December ) . Most projections indicate a alteration in heavy precipitation events for Kenya ; Rainfall seasonality indicate that the short and long rains seasons will stay the same ; More utmost rainfall events during the wet seasons by 2100, potentially doing more frequent and terrible inundations ; The happening of drouths likely with current frequence but greater badness associated by temperature additions ; Sea degree rise globally by 18 to 59 centimeter at the terminal of the century harmonizing to the IPCC 2007. All these projections have an impact on the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene ( WASH ) sector particularly utmost events such as inundations and drouths where theoretical accounts indicate intensification of heavy rainfall in the wet seasons, particularly in some parts therefore increasing likeliness of inundation hazards and events. [ 2 ] There is an increased likeliness of drouths but theoretical accounts vary on this projection, some theoretical accounts project intensification of drouths while others indicate a decrease in badness of drouths. With this in head it is of import to pull off H2O sustainably to run into today’s demands and increasing future demand. Water supply crises have been identified in legion studies by experts from different Fieldss. It is estimated that over 1.7 billion people live in river basins H2O usage exceeds recharge which leads to devastation of rivers and depletion of groundwater systems. As states are developing and populations grow and urbanisation additions H2O demand is expected to increase by 55 % by 2050. [ 3 ] If this form continues two tierces of the world’s population will confront acute H2O emphasis. The state of affairs is of concern as Kenya is already rated by the United Nations as holding one of the lowest natural H2O refilling rates in the universe. Aim This brief proposal will look into Incorporate Water Resources Management as key in accommodating and extenuating against the debilitating effects of clime alteration on the WASH sector. For the WASH sector in Kenya over abstraction of fresh water for multiple utilizations, coupled with non-point beginning pollution from agribusiness and ill designed sanitation installations, or deficiency of sanitation installations is a important menace to sustainability of H2O beginnings and ecosystem services ( ESS ) provided by H2O resources. [ 4 ] The Resource Management Model for the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene ( WASH ) sector will look at H2O as the cardinal resource IWRM and H2O usage efficiency. Rationale To understand the demand for usage of Integrated Water Resource Management ( IWRM ) as a resource direction scheme it is cardinal to look into Kenya’s current H2O state of affairs and clime alteration projections for Kenya as the WASH sector is reliant on H2O as a natural resource. To better understand the demand for IWRM it is cardinal to understand two cardinal facets with respects to Kenya these are: Overview of Kenya’s Water Resources Kenya is classified as a inveterate H2O scarce state. The country’s’ natural gift of fresh water is limited by an one-year renewable freshwater supply of merely 647 three-dimensional metres per capita. Harmonizing to international criterions a state is categorized as â€Å"water stressed†if it’s renewable fresh water supplies are between 1000 to 1700 three-dimensional metres per capita. [ 5 ] By comparing Kenya’s neighbours have one-year per capita renewable fresh water supplies of: Uganda 2,940 three-dimensional metres per capita per twelvemonth and Tanzania 2,696cubic metres per capita per twelvemonth. [ 6 ] Extent of Kenya’s exposure to inundations and drouths as anticipated by clime alteration projections Water exposure in Kenya arises from both a combination of limited natural H2O gift, high variableness of one-year rainfall happening, heavy economic dependance on H2O resources and unequal readiness for repeating clime dazes to the economy.6 This is farther exacerbated by failure of development of surface and groundwater resources increasing the country’s exposure. Further compounded by small stored H2O per capita therefore during drouths H2O storage countries are quickly drawn down.6 Kenya’s H2O exposure is further increased by extended debasement of H2O resources and weak H2O resource direction with the minimum Government outgo on H2O resource care and operation.6. Erosion due to heavy rainfall as a consequence of low forest screen and hapless agricultural patterns lead to siltation and loss of H2O storage capacity in dikes and pans that the state is to a great extent dependent on. Public wellness of which sanitation falls under is besides extremely vulnerable. Deluging leads to damage of drinkable H2O supplies coercing communities to obtain H2O from insecure H2O beginnings taking to exposure to H2O borne infections.Morbidity forms indicate that 60 per centum of top 10 diseases in Kenya are H2O borne or sanitation related.6 During drouths H2O supplies are restricted and monetary values are increased. To get by with these boreholes are drilled and old 1s are deepened as a response to acute H2O deficits. This state of affairs leads to coerce on already worsening H2O tabular arraies, therefore taking to increasing the cost of pumping restricting hereafter options for valuable H2O resources.6 Incorporate Water Resources Management ( IWRM ) Extenuation and version can non be achieved if there is a continuance of sabotaging sustainability of critical H2O resources base embracing sectors that are dependent upon it. Coping with clime variableness requires improved H2O resources direction as the first line of defence. [ 7 ] International energy wonts are the focal point of extenuation attacks, H2O direction and H2O usage efficiency is the way that the universe should follow with respects to version. It is apparent that clime variableness is amplified in the H2O rhythm and therefore Governments particularly the Government of Kenya should acknowledge and move on this. Policy models being formulated, physical substructure and planetary ends and marks must be adapted to run into future needs.7 The Integrated Water Resources Management ( IWRM ) theoretical account is inspired by the Dublin rules adopted during the International Conference on Water and the Environment. Harmonizing to the Global Water Partnership IWRM can be defined as â€Å"a procedure, which promotes the co-ordinated development and direction of H2O, land and related resources, in order to maximise attendant economic and societal public assistance in an just mode without compromising the sustainability of critical ecosystems.†[ 8 ] IWRM seeks to carry through three key aims which are: Efficiency to do H2O resources go every bit far as possible ; Equity in the allotment of H2O across different societal and economic groups ; Environmental sustainability, to protect the H2O resources base and associated eco-systems. A cardinal rule of IWRM is inclusion of H2O and ecosystems as portion of the direction agenda.8 IWRM provides a good footing for betterment of direction of H2O resources instead than creative activity of separate models and establishments. 8 IWRM provides watershed coordination linking regional watershed direction to local activities act uponing and profiting from ecosystem services ( ESS ) . IWRM policies are sick equipped to cover with pull offing support to ESS, which extend beyond spacial and temporal graduated tables of IWRM administration. Rather, IWRM policies are suited in pull offing many commissariats including cultural considerations and ordinance of ESS.An illustration is the Waza logone flood plain in Cameroon that is a clear illustration of benefits accrued from leting deluging to take topographic point, to refill wetlands, deposits and other critical resources, being more valuable than barricading the flow of water.8 IWRM is a god attack for regulating the complex kine ticss of upstream- downstream water- dependant ecosystem services as H2O is a nexus between multiple ecosystems services and users. Integration of Climate Change in WASH Sector Management Harmonizing to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) it is projected that the figure of people populating in earnestly H2O stressed river basins will duplicate between 2000 and 2050 to make 3.9 billion people. There is a turning concern on the relation between H2O and catastrophe peculiarly enhance by increasing clime variableness. Climate alteration is doing changes to the hydrologic rhythm, endangering fresh water and marine ecosystems every bit good as human H2O security in many parts of the universe particularly Kenya and Sub Saharan Africa. [ 9 ] It is cardinal for the WASH sector through the Government of Kenya through line ministries to develop national and where appropriate, trans boundary version programs of action which incorporate sustainable direction of H2O ; national and county trans boundary eventuality programs ; present clime proofing, and new substructure where needfully peculiarly concentrating on integrated inundation direction to complement IWRM and its benefits with respects to hazards posed by clime alteration and future clime projections for Kenya. It is cardinal for the Government of Kenya to look into climate sensitive policies which targeted all H2O related sectors which is cardinal in turn toing utmost events and increasing clime alteration and variableness. Climate Change exacerbate s the complexness of H2O issues, particularly through its impacts on the hydrological rhythm in countries of high H2O emphasis, every bit good as increased incidence of inundations. It is of import to observe that traditional cognition can non get by with these alterations at that place need to be an accent on new cognition systems to supply better information to all, including husbandmans, pastoralists and local communities.7 Mentions Bonnardeaux, D. ( 2012 ) Associating Biodiversity Conservation and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Experiences from sub-Saharan Africa. Conservation International and Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group. Washington, D.C. , USA. International Institute for Sustainable Development. ( 2013 ) .Summary of the High-Level Meeting of the Global Thematic Consultation on Water in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Post-2015 Development Agenda Bulletin, Volume 28 figure 8. Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Ministry for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030. ( 2012 ) .Kenya T21 theoretical account.Report on Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Integrated Climate Change Adaptation and Comprehensive National Development Planning in Kenya.Kenya: Office of the Prime Minister. Mogaka, H. , Gichere, S. , Davis, R. , A ; Hirji, R. ( 2006 ) .Climate Variability and Water Resources Degradation in Kenya: Improving Water Resources Development and Management. Washington, D.C: World Bank. OECD. ( 2012 ) .Environmental Outlook to 2050. Paris: OECD. Stockholm Environment Institute. ( 2009 ) . The Economics of Climate Change in Kenya. December 2009. Project Report. Nairobi: Embassy of Denmark. UNEP. ( 2012 ) .Let go ofing the Pressure: Water Resource Efficiencies and Gains for Ecosystem Services. Capital of kenya: UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme. ( 2012 ) .GEO5 Global Environment Outlook: Environment for the Future We Want. Malta: Progress Press. World Bank. ( 2000 ) .World Development Report 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty. Washington, D.C: World Bank How to cite Resource Management Plan for the Wash Sector in Kenya, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Management Concepts The Leadership Challenges of James Riady
Question: Discuss about the Management Concepts Leadership Challenges of James Riady. Answer: Introduction A management issue refers to a challenge, problem or an opportunity that needs attention by the top executives with an aim of improving the level of the business productivity for its growth and development. The ability of every business to grow and develop relates to its ability to accept and build on diversity. This could be diversity relating to ideologies, work related activities, challenges or opportunities. Our case study ideological diversity on politics contributed to the business development. There are many issues that relate to business development and are controlled and coordinated by the business top management. These issues can be negative relating to the level and type of effects they cause to the business. In our case study, James Riady has shown good qualities as a business leader who has good will at heart for business development. He has in mind the need to have a democratic society which has positively changed the situation of development in his country Issue identification The management issue relating to these is the lack of consistency. This is clear when James joins politics besides his business and later faces challenges that affect him and the business (Ceko,2016). The fine that he faced of 8.6 million $ could have assisted in improving his business but didnt because he was facing challenges. As a leader, he stresses on the lack of consistency when he says that he learned that business and politics do not mix. A business is developed after an idea is initiated, built on by the initiator, established to make the idea visible. The plan on to which the business is initiated should be consistently followed to ensure that all the anticipated objectives and goals are achieved by following given strategies without fail. There are many benefits of consistency in a business that ensure developments and growth of both the organization and the employees. Among the many benefits, some include; Allows measurement. The business effectiveness is measured by the tools used in business development identification. It states that every business should be given time to grow by following the initiated methods and means that helps in achieving the set goals. Every business should be given adequate time to implement the set strategies. Helps to create accountability. All employees in an organization should be accountable for every step and decision they make towards achieving the set goals and objectives (Khan, 2015). In every organization, the employees have set roles that are made in relation to the goals set. This is also learned from the leaders who are accountable for their actions. Maintains message (Zsolnai, 2011) the information you gave to the customers, as well as the employees and other stakeholders, is important as it serves how they will behave. Helps to establish your reputation. The business develops well when consistently influenced by the situation of the efforts put in place (Samantaray, 2016). When a leader is in place to enhance development and according to the set pace of business advancement that is in line with organization culture. Improves relevancy. Ensures that the level at which the leader gives hope to the customers and the business stakeholders by the level of productivity and predictable flow of supply of goods, services, and information. Relevancy of consistency in management Management in every important in every business setting and the way its carried out enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of the business outcome (Koumpis, 2012). By carrying out business and management activities in the set and agreed manner ensures there is consistency in the business. Management activities that include controlling, planning and coordinating are important in an organization setting to help achieve the business set goals and objectives. Strategic management planning in the business organization is important as it helps to develop the steps un to which organization activities would follow in order to be established. This implicates that for a business to grow, it must follow a certain order of given strategy respectively without a fail. Its important for every business leader to be consistent in all planning activities as it helps in saving time that is important in carrying out the set activities, saving resources that would be used in achieving other important functions of the business that helps in development (Khan, 2015)t. In our case study, James diverts his efforts in supporting politics that resulted in him using a lot of money to cater for the fine given, brought about challenges that put him in a compromising situation as his competitor linked his achievements with political relations. Chaos theory of management Among the many problems facing management in an organization is the inability to plan by strategically following the set structure of activities. These inabilities can be caused by increased conflicts at the work place. As a result, its hard to carry out all the set activities to help achieve the set goals of an organization. The theory illustrates that healthy completion in a business enhances positive development while unhealthy competition results to negative or no developments (Guhathakurta, Banerjee, Dan, 2013). From our case study, James case on the relations with the politicians where he also campaigned for them brought conflicts. The competitors argued that his success was as a result of the relations with the president. This was a series of conflicting issues as he knew that though the relationship brought about some advantages, it didnt really result in that level of success. The conflict was also between the competitors and the management as the level of success was hi an d improving more with time. This was important as it set an essential framework to help James and the management to conceptualize and get back to the favorable track of achievements. Critical discussion The chaos theory of management illustrates the level at which the rate of disagreements in a given organization affects the level of productivity of both the employees and the management at large (Cole, 2013). Although has been cited as a framework of conceptualization that is important to help develop the need to work together, its important to the management to help ensure that all the set business goals are in line with the abilities of the employees to produce and be the best. This is not easy as there is a lot of diversity issues in every business setting. The activities put in place also enhances the need for any given business opportunity to carry out a research and establish planning. Enhance interaction among the concerned individuals to create a peaceful environment important to carrying out the set activities in achieving the set goals and objectives. However, the theory advocates for long-term strategic planning in an organization (Haworth, Tzetzis, Vallabhajosula, Stergiou, 2013). This may not be possible as expected as the work place is full of diversifying activities. This makes it hard as the management cannot relevantly understand or rather know who can work with them for long and who for a short period. The theory also talks about the usage of resources that in times of conflicts and business related chaos, the many extracted resources may be destroyed though it advocates for developments and proper control and coordination in resource usage and management (Bhattacharya, Banerjee, 2013). These issues related to chaos theory can be improved by applying the recommendations below. Recommendations Improvement in the management of the many diversifying issues to help enhance a proper environment for productivity and coordination of employees. Proper management of resources and prevention of massive wastage can be done by introducing new means of reporting employees problems as well as demands that are relevant and in line with the set organizational goals to prevent destruction. Conclusion Issues in management are normal and common in all organizational setting as there is a massive increase in the rate of diversity at the workplace. The level at which management carries out planning should be relevant and positive to enhance development. Consistency in all business development is very important as it ensures that all the set procedures and directions set to help achieve the set goals are followed respectively to help save time and resources. References Bhattacharya, D., Banerjee, S. (2013). A comparative study of four different satellite image classification techniques for geospatial management. In , Chaos and complexity theory for management : nonlinear dynamics (pp. 283-295). Cole, S. (2013). Managing chaos in nonlinear economic systems : globalization and destination tourism. In , Chaos and complexity theory for management : nonlinear dynamics (pp. 297-314). Ceko, E. (2016). Some issues on relations between quality management/ISO standards application and doing business climate. (A comparative analysis of Balkans with Western European countries). European Scientific Journal, (7), 124. doi:10.19044/esj.2016.v12n7p124 Guhathakurta, K., Banerjee, S., Dan, P. K. (2013). Nonlinear dynamics of voltage fluctuation in power plants for strategic decisions. In , Chaos and complexity theory for management : nonlinear dynamics (pp. 352-367) Haworth, J. P., Tzetzis, G. P., Vallabhajosula, S. P., Stergiou, N. P. (2013). Optimal variability and complexity : a novel approach for management principles. In , Chaos and complexity theory for management : nonlinear dynamics (pp. 328-351). Khan, M. A. (2015). Diverse Contemporary Issues Facing Business Management Education. Hershey: Business Science Reference. Khan, M. A. (2015). Diverse contemporary issues facing business management education. Koumpis, A. (2012). Management information systems for enterprise applications: Business issues, research and solutions. Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference. Samantaray, A. K. (2016). Issues and challenges in business management. Zsolnai, L. (2011). Spirituality and ethics in management. Dordrecht: Springer.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
The Masters of the Renaissance Leonardo, Raphael, Essay Example For Students
The Masters of the Renaissance: Leonardo, Raphael, Essay Michelangelo, and DonatelloThe purpose of this project is to educate the reader more about these four magnificent artists who enlightened the Renaissance Era with their beautiful art work and with many other of their talents. Leonardo Da Vinci, who lived from 1452 to 1519, was a recognized inventor and artisan. He was born in the town of Vinci, Italy. His upbringing was very good, he was given the best education that money could offer and he became a very bright man. He was taught about painting while working as a studio boy to a well-known painter and sculptor, Andrea De Verocchio. Da Vinci eventually left his apprenticeship to become a master painter. Da Vinci is most known for being the painter of the Mona Lisa (1503-1506), a painting that is greatly treasured in our society. Da Vinci was also known for very rarely finishing paintings, which he started. His works were mainly observed in Florence, Italy, but for a few years he resided in Milan, where he created another highly important piece of his career, the Virgin of the Rocks (1506-1508). Although in his 67 years of life he spent only a small portion painting he has impacted many people with his beautiful paintings and has even come to inspire other artisans. We will write a custom essay on The Masters of the Renaissance: Leonardo, Raphael, specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now An artisan who was inspired by Da Vinci was Raphael (Sanzio). Raphael was born in Urbino, Italy. Raphaels father who was a minor painter and a poet died when Raphael was 11 years old. Later on in his life he went to Perugia as an apprentice to his fathers friend, the painter Perugino. Gradually he became a greater artist than his teacher. From 1504 to 1508 Raphael spent most of his time in Florence. In this great cultural center he met Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, he studied and copied the works of these and other artists and quickly absorbed the new Florentine style. Raphael spent the last 12 years of his life in Rome. He was called to the city in 1508, when Pope Julius II decided to have certain rooms in the Vatican redecorated. When he saw Raphaels sketches, he asked the young artist to redecorate the four walls of four rooms in the Popes private apartments with frescoes. In these murals Raphael showed his genius for grouping crowds of magnificent figures. He is well known for his work, School of Athens (1509). The School of Athens shows Plato and Aristotle surrounded by philosophers past and present, this painting illustrates the continuity of Platonic thought. Raphael died on his 37th birthday, on April 6th 1520. Donatello was another legendary artist but in a different field than Raphael and Da Vinci. Donatello is known to be on e of the greatest sculptors of all time, so great of an artist that his techniques are still used today. Donatello (Donato di Niccol di Betto Bardi) was born in 1386, and died at the age of 80 in 1466.He was born in Florence, Italy. Donatello started practicing the art of sculpting at the age of 20. Later, on in his life he became a humanist and studied roman ruins. He started his own shop in Florence where he created many of his masterpieces. Donatello was greatly influenced by antique art and Humanist theories. His statues display, for the first time since antiquity, the human body as a functional organism. The city of Florence paid for the famous sculpture of David (1409), however many people complained that he was very hard to work with. David was the first nude statue of the renaissance. Donatello invented the shallow relief technique, in which the sculpture see ms deep but is actually done on a very shallow plane. He also made the first bronze sculpture paving the way for other sculptors to use other types of materials. Donatello was not an intellect as Da Vinci and as another famous sculptor was Michelangelo. Michelangelo (Buonarroti) was born on March 6, 1475 in Caprese, Italy. He became a very well known sculptor in history. Michelangelos mother was very ill during his childhood until her untimely death when he was only 6 years old. His father who was mayor of his
Saturday, March 7, 2020
How to Make Glowing Printer Ink
How to Make Glowing Printer Ink You can make homemade glowing ink that you can use in your printer to make glow in the dark letters, signs, or pictures. Its easy to do and works on all kinds of paper or even for making iron-on transfers for fabric. Glowing Ink Materials glow powder (sold in craft stores; if you cant find it you can substitute glowing paint)printer ink refillempty printer cartridgesyringe (available at any pharmacy) Prepare the Glowing Ink Basically, youre adding a chemical to normal ink that will cause it to glow in the dark. Ink formulations, especially for printers, are complex, so the resulting ink may not print as smoothly as it ordinarily would. You may wish to adjust the ratio of ingredients to get just the right ink for your needs. In a small bowl, mix together 1/4 teaspoon of glow powder with 3 teaspoons of ink from your refill ink cartridge.Microwave the ink for 30 seconds to help it mix better.Use a syringe to draw up the ink.You may be able to locate the refill holes on the cartridge (often under the label) and inject the ink into the cartridge without breaking it open, but it you cant find the holes then remove the cap from an empty printer cartridge and inject the glowing ink. Re-seal the cap back onto the ink cartridge (if necessary) and insert it into your printer.Print a few pages to give the ink a chance to flow, then print out your glowing document.Charge the ink by shining a bright light onto the printed image for about a minute. Sunlight or a black light works best, but you can use any bright light source.Turn out the lights and see the glow! The glow from the ink will fade after a few minutes in the dark, but if you keep the ink exposed to black light it will continue to glow.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Wireless security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Wireless security - Essay Example The activities performed by user on the internet can be both casual and confidential in nature. None the less for any of the activities performed over the internet every user wants privacy and security. Security of the connection ensures the integrity and originality of the data and assures the user that his information is safe. Wireless connection employ the use of radiowaves for communication and flow of data between the devices. These radiowaves can easily be tapped, intercepted and the information can be read or stolen and even in some case altered and manipulated hence raising the concern of data integrity and originality. Facing the threats that came with the increasing and rapid growth in the number of users of wireless technology the requirements for development of measures for security and integrity of data and network also arose. Although number of people were lazy and most of them were unaware of the security threats they faced using wireless form of connections, such people were only concerned about the availability of the internet and were satisfied as long as they were able to operate the internet. Now to ensure security while using wireless connections various forms of security were developed which included WEP,WAP and WAP2 etc. WEP - Wired Equivalent Privacy (or Wireless Encryption Protocol), was introduced as the first line of security to tackle the threats that were occurring. It was a weak option for security as it only had encryption to a basic level. After the passage of time a lot of weaknesses were found in it and did not remain as secure as it was thought earlier. It did not provide end to end protection as it only used at the two lowest layers of OSI. Later on it was found out that it didn’t protect packets from being intercepted and any hacker could get enough stream of packets which would be enough for him to extract the encryption scheme. After significant flaws were found in WEP another technology WPA
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
PROPOSAL to bring the civil defense to our Uni. and let them explain Research
To bring the civil defense to our Uni. and let them explain how to deal with emergencies - Research Proposal Example he workers in the community, so that they can gain the skills they require to deal with fire and other emergencies at the FDU community and elsewhere. Through the course, the different audience of the course will learn fire and emergency resolution skills, which will enable them to help in risk resolution at the FDU community and at their respective communities and places of work. During the last six months, the team has been piloting the programs, among a few members of the FDU community, and we have noted that the limited coverage of the program has changed their skillfulness in dealing with fire and other emergencies. For example, the group taken through the brief course has demonstrated their ability to use fire extinguishers, and safe evacuation skills, including collecting all members of the community affected by the risk, at an open, safe area – and exiting members of the community through safe pathways. Through the pilot stage of the course, the team has seen considerable learning among the group involved, in dealing with fire and other emergencies. One of the students trained on the area demonstrated the skills during an emergency drill, because she was able to evacuate vulnerable people from the house. Our proposal requests for USD 5,000 in funding, which will be used to attract more students to the course, make a donation to the firefighter department, plan the course, and to acquire all the course needs required. The course materials required include fire extinguishers, and fire and emergency mitigation manuals. The team appreciates the FDU Community Grant Selection Committee, for taking interest, towards helping the FDU community acquire skills on fire and emergency skills through the new course. For more information, you can call the team director at 703-555-1212, in the case you have any questions, or you require further information regarding this proposal. The fire and emergency education team, of the FDU Community is seeking a grant, which
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Term Dalit Literature English Literature Essay
The Term Dalit Literature English Literature Essay Fortunately I read the novel Untouchable by Mulk Raj Anand and the novel Thottiyude Makan by Thakazhy Sivasankara Pillai. I realize that the two works have some kind of similarities. On the basis of this idea, I read some of the novels of Mulk Raj Anand and Thakazhy Sivasankara Pillai. It leads to me an interest to study this topic. Mulk Raj Anand and Thakazhy Sivasankara Pillali are the two famous novelist displays his deep understanding of the pathos and tragedy in the life of the social under dogs in India. So these two novelists have historically import ants in Indian literature. Indian freedom struggle and Nationalist movement has got good results through the works of these writers. Mulk Raj Anand is an anglo Indian novelist. Most of the readers were read the original translated works of him. So he was familiar with all of them Thakazhy Sivasankara Pillai is known as the story writer of Kuttanad; .He wrote about women, dalit and environment. DALIT LITERATURE Dalit literature is the literature of the Dalits, by the Dalits and for the Dalits. Dalit(oppressed or broken) is not a new word. Apparently it was used in the 1930s as a Hindi and Marathi translation of depressed classes a term the British used for what are now called the scheduled castes. In 1970s the Dalit Panthers revived the term and expanded its reference to include scheduled tribes, poor peasants, women and all those being exploited politically, economically and in the name of religion. So Dalit is not caste. It is a symbol of change and revolution. The term Dalit literature can into use in 1958, when the first conference of Maharashtra Dalit Sahitya Sangha (Maharashtra Dalit Literature Society). Dalit literature is an important stream of Indian writing in English and other languages of India. It is literature about the oppressed classes and caste of India. A tradition of Dalit writing can be traced to eleventh century writer Cekkilar [Periyapuranam]. Modern Dalit writings are founded on the works and ideological insights of Ambedkar, the chief architect of the constitution of India. Dalit writing is in reparably tied to dalit liberation movements in various parts of India. This category of literature become a significant presents in the 1960s in Marathi literature and later in Hindi, Tamil and Malayalam as well as English poems, short stories, novels besides autobiographies from the major genres of Dalit expression. These writings formed a collective voice that questioned through articulation of their social reality the kind of writings that made them in visible or distorted their identity. Traditionally Dalits were considered to be beyond the pale of varna or caste system. They were originally considered as panchama or the fifth group beyond the fourfold division of Indian people. They were not allowed to let their shadow full upon a non- Dalit caste member and they were required the sweep the ground. Where they walked to remove the contamination of their foot full. Dalit were forbidden to worship in temple or draw water from the same wells as caste Hindus and they usually lived in segregated neighborhood outside the main village. In the Indian country side, the Dalit villages are usually a separate enclave a kilometer or so outside the main village where the other Hindu caste resides. Some upper caste Hindus did warm to Dalits and Hindu priests demoted to low caste- rank. An example of the latter was Dnyaneshawar, who was excommunicated into Dalit status in the 13th century but continued to compose the Dnyaneshwari, a commentary on the Bhagavad gita. Eknath another excommunicated Brahmin, fought for the right of untouchable during the Bhakti period. Historical examples of Dalit priest include chokhamela in the 14th centuary. Who was Indias first rewarded Dalit poet. The declaration by princely states of Kerala between 1936 and 1947 that temples were opened to all Hindus went a long way towards ending the system of UN touch ability in Kerala. According to Kerala tradition the Dalits were focused to maintain at distance of 96 feet from Namboothiries, 64 feet from Nairs and 48 feet from other upper caste, as they were thought to pollute them. Many similar castes collective with different caste names grouped under the umbrella terms Nair and Ezhava and consolidated their power, Dalits remained fragmented as castes and sub castes. At a large stage in Keralas history, the elite communities and casts which had earlier consolidated their position through identity politics transformed their accumulated energies into nation building politics and class politics. The elite classes to promote their own martial and cultural bi as an empowerment they saw as their birth right. Malayalam, Accepted by many scholars to have evolved from Tamil roughly in the 9th century has a history of writing that dates back to the 12th century. The aesthetics of Malayalam literature have been over determined by the literary traditions of Sanskrit. Which include sruthi (cosmic, subliminal communication) Smrithi (remembered literature, secondary texts), and epics and legends (ithihasa purana tradition). Beginning with Kunthalatha said to be the first written novel in Malayalam. Process continued without much difference in perspective. In these works, Hindu spirituality was embraced as the sole solution to the complexity of human existence, there by ignoring a dynamic and productive life- world. It was the pain of this group on which the upper- caste Hindu world of leisure was based. The literature produced by upper caste novelists was the by-product of a lethargic lifestyle, far removed from the world of sweat and toil which supported it. Culturally and epistle mologically fo cused on concepts like moksha, nirvriti and anubhooti [spiritual liberation, Fulfillment and Sensual ecstasy]. It is easy to see that dominant literary tradition of the period known as manipravalam had its Focus Solely on Sexuality and Self indulgence and was in tune with the luxurious lifestyle of the upper caste of the time, in Kerala. Any movement away from the centre that the grand is obligated to make creates a space and platform for the birth of the little. From the 1990s onwards the Malayalam literary scenario has seen celebrations of the differing and plural voices of the historically marginalized, oppressed, and unrepresented. This not only includes the Dalit discourse but other silenced groups- feminists, environmentalists and religious and sexual minorities. One of the characteristic features of emerged and emerging discourses is its tension with the national imagination. Hence, they seek alliance and constellations with the transnational micro, and the local. Any new movement has to pass through three phases: ridicule, resistance and acceptance. Dalit literature in the world has fast-forwarded to the third phrase and is beginning to provide the color and power that only people who live close to the earth can express. The earliest known historical people to have rejected the caste system were Gautama Budha and Mahavera their teaching eventually became independent religions called Bhuddism and Jainism. The earliest known reformations with in Hinduism happen during the medieval period when the Bhakti movements actively encouraged the participation and inclusion of Dalits, in the 19th century. The Bhrahma samaj, Arya samaj, and Ramakrishna mission actively participated in the emancipation of Dalits. While there always have been segregated places for dalits to worship, the first upper-caste temple to openly welcome Dalits to their fold was the Laxmi narayan temple in wardha in the year 1928. Even before Ambedkar, Ayyankali, the leader of the Sadhujana Movement, realized that the leader of the social justice was freedom. Ayyankalis politics was about the emancipation of all the oppressed people and a radical Trans formation at the whole of society. Sadhujanans formulated by Ayyankali, was the coceptualisation of the broken people (Dalits) locating them as the agents of history, as the production of material wealth. In the context of traditional Hindu society, Dalit status has often been historically associated with occupation regarded as radically impure, such as any involving leather work, butchering or removal of rubbish, animal carcasses and waste. Dalit worked as manual laborers clean in street, latrines and sewers. Encasing in these activities was considered to be considered contagious and banned from full participation in Hindu social life. For example they could not enter the temple nota school, and were required for stay outside the village. Since 19050, India has enacted and implemented many laws and social activities to protect and improve the socio economics condition of its Dalit population by 1795, of all job in India. India democratically elected K.R.Narayan, a dalit, as the nations president. Today there is no such practice like UN touch ability; it is observance is criminal offence. However educational opportunities to Dalits in Kerala remain limited. REPRESENTATION OF DALIT IN THE NOVELS OF MULK RAJ ANAND Mulk Raj Anand (December 12,1905-september 28,2004) was an Indian writer in English, notable for his depiction of the lives of the poorer castes in traditional Indian society. One of the pioneers of Indo-Anglican fiction, he, together with R.K. Narayanan, was one of the first India-based writers in English to gain an international readership. Born in Peshawar, he studied at Khals a college, Amritsar, before moving to England where he at tended university college London as an undergraduate and later Cambridge university, graduating with a Ph D in 1929. During this time he forged friendships with members of the Bloomsbury Group. He spent some time in Geneva, lecturing at the League of Nations school of intellectual cooperation. Anads literary career was launched by family tragedy, instigated by the rigidity of the caste system. His first prose essay was a response to the suicide of an aunt, who had been excommunicated by his family for sharing a meal with a Muslim. His first main novel , untouchable, published in 1935, was a chilling expose of the day- to-day life of a member of Indias untouchable caste. It is the story of a single day in the life of Bakha, a toilet-cleaner, who accidentally bumps in to a member of a higher caste. Bakha searches for a save to the tragedy of the destiny into which he was born, talking with a Christian missionary, listening to a speech about UN touch ability by Mahatma Gandhi and a subsequent conversation by two educated Indians, but by the end of the book Anad suggest that it is technology, in the form of the newly introduced flush toilet that may be his savior by eliminating the need for a caste of toilet cleaners. This simple book, which captured the puissance of the Punjabi and Hindi idiom in English, was widely acclaimed and Anad won the reputation of being Indias Charles Dickes. The introduction was written by his friend, E.M.Forster, whom he met while working on T.S.Eliots magazine criterion. In if forst working on T.S.Eliots magazine criterion. In it forester writes avoiding rhetoric and circumlocution, it has gone straight to the heart of its subject and purified it inevitable, Anand, who spent half his time in London and half in India, was drawn to the India independence movement. At the same time, he also supported freedom elsewhere around the globe and even travelled to Spain to volunteer in the Spanish civil war. He spent world war all working as a scriptwriter for the BBC in London, where he becomes a friend of George Orwell. Anand returned to India in 1946, and continued with his prodigious literary output there. His work includes poetry and essay on a wide range of subjects, as well as autobiographies and novels. Prominent among his novels are The koolie() the village(1939), Across the Black waters (1940), the sword and sickle(1942), all written in England, and The private life of an Indian prince (10953), perhaps the most important of his works Witten in India. He also founded a literary magaz ine, Mary, and taught in various universities. During the 1970s, he worked with the international progress organization (I.p.o) on the issue of cultural self- comprehension of nations. He died in pune. In touchable is in the first novel of Mulk Raj Anand. He is a progressive writer for whom the novel takes the form of crusade against the evils of the society. He has his sympathies with the depressed and the underdog. Untouchable follows a day in the life of Bakha, an 18 year old Bhagi boy. The fictional story set in the outcastes colony outside of an unnamed town during the British occupation. The story is narrated by Bakha who is a hard working boy who never disobeys his father despite his repugnance for his and his life style Baktha had worked in the barracks of a British regiment and, had been caught by the glamour of the white mans life. Bakha to imitate the tommies was through Fushun, education and he becomes disgusted with the filth of his brother. Bhangies are the lowest of the low caste and they are given the job of cleaning the latrines and sweeping the streets. The dirty nature of the Bhangis work fathers the view of them as impure. However they all unable to maintain good hygiene because they all unable to maintain good hygiene because they are not allowed to access the local well, as there use would render it impure, untouchable are not allowed to access the local well, as there use would render it impure. Untouchables are not allowed to see the inside of the temple for purity reasons. While Bakha was peering through the window he was interrupted by the priest shouting, Polluted! Polluted! . Soon a crowd had gathered and they all berated Dakha saying they would need to perform a purification ceremony row. Get off the steps you scavenger! Off with you! Have defiled our whole service! shouted the crossed. Bahka randown to the country yard where hissister was waiting. Here he got a shock as the priest claimed, I have been de filed by contact. This is an example of the hypocrisy of the other castes in their attitude towards the untouchables. The higher castes view them as impure and make them do all the menial labor, yet they all not adverse to sexual relations with them. It seems the idea of impurity is only there to when it suits the higher castes desires. Bakha searches for a salve to the tragedy of the destiny into which he was born, talking with a Christian missionary, listening to a speech about untouchability by Mahatma Gandhi and a subsequent conversation by two educated Indians, but by the end of the book Anand suggests that it is technology, in the form of the newly introduced flush toilet that may be his savoir by eliminating the need for a caste of toilet cleaners. Bakba is the able bodied son of Lakha, the jamadar of all the sweepers in the town of Bulandshahr. He is made to represent the untouchable section of the society; he is no ordinary sckenger, who is rude, uncouth and unclean. Bakha is representative of the oppressed untouchable caste. We have sympathy for his suffering as he meets with unjust treatment at the hands of the upper caste. He has strong desire to get education. He cannot seek admission in a school because untouchables are not admitted there so he pays oneamma per lesson to two upper caste boys to teach him. It is for his suffering that he is attracted to Mahatma Gandhi and Christ. The fact that sahibs and mohammedans teat his like a human being but only the upper caste Hind us have contempt for him rankles in his mind. Bakha represents a part of the social history of India. He is a victim of social superstition of untouchability. He feels strongly against in human injustice meted out to him. But the protest of the individual is ineffective against the strength of the false morality of the established society. Hence, bakha is presented as a feeble person who is unable to translate his resentment into action. Here Bakha represents as a dalit character. The dominating society saying that they are uncivilized people. So they were tiring to civilizing that people. But there is not civilizing programs on the dalit groups. I think of education or lack of knowledge about the world is the main problem related with them. But the society cant accept, to provide education for the dalit people like Bakha. They think we are mere dirt, Because we clean their dirt, It is the word of Bakba. The aspect in which Bakha is presented offer an elucidating comment on the relations between the self and society considered in terms of untouchability. The colony is a dark, damp, UN congenial place. The thatched mud houses clustered together in two rows are utterly ill- fitted for human habilitation. In looks as through the scavengers, leather workers, washer man, barker, water- carriers and grass- cutters- all these inhabitants of the colony are subhuman non- entities huddled up together. They should be content to live in the gutter like worms only to be crushed by the superior cast people. Dalit is a distinction for a group of people traditionally regarded as untouchable. Dalits are a mixed population, consisting of numerous castes from all over the world. Like the character of Bakha, only through the education Dalits can improve their life style or change their awareness about their capacity. Untouchable may be regarded as a classic since it brings into sharp focus what has proved debilitating to Indian society in general, and Hindu society in particular, encompassing several issues affecting the condition of man not only India but also elsewhere in the world. The novel explores the possibilities of interpersonal relations between untouchables and high caste hindus considered in existential terms. However, Anand does not seem to have paid enough attention to one profound aspect of the situation in untouchable, that of his having to reckon with a kind of double consciousness, that is, the sense of the untouchable looking at himself through the eyes of the eye caste Hindus-of measuring ones soul by the tape of a world that looks on in contempt and pity which is bound to give rise to disastrous division within the self. Bakhas predicament would have been all the more meaning full if the growth in his awareness which is sought to be plotted by the novel had been rendered mor e explicit through a probing of this psyche. Coolie is the story of Munoo, a hill by who by a quick of fate is made to leave his idyllic village in the Kangra valley. In search of a means of livelihood and with a naÃÆ' ¯ve dream of seeing a better world. The first contact with reality shatters the innocent aspiration of this orphan boy. His fist employer is minor bank clerk, a powerful caricature of an Indian subordinate driven by an inordinate desire for pleasing his colonial bosses inorder to become an object of their favour. Munoo falls four of an overbearing and ignorant house wife and finally flees her some in a bid to be free from her ill- treatment and taunts. He next finds himself in a primitive pickle and jam factory hidden away among the reeking lanes and dark alleys of the feudal town of daulatpur. The proprietor who has befriended his suddenly finds himself bankrupt because of his partners devious practices and is hurled bank into the rank of the laborers from whence he had sought to rise. Out on the street again ,Munoo becomes a coolies for a chance to serve as a beast of burden. An elephant-driver whom he meets accidently comes to his rescue by giving him a free ride as a stowaway in a train to Bombay. In Bombay he seeks refuge in the family of a poor vagrant and becomes a worker in a cotton mill. It is working in appalling conditions and livings in most fun sanitary environment are absolutely heartrending. He is exposed to a new world of friends and foes, of cut-throat competition and treachery, of the lewd spectacle of vice and depravity of the red light district and of the communal fires enkindled and fed by an irate factory boss to break an impending strike. Finally Munoo is knocked down by the car of an Anglo- Indian woman who takes his to Simla as her servant. Here he died of tuberculosis which was aggravated by his having to pull the rick show for his mistress. The boy is only 15 years old when he succumbs to this then-much-dreaded decease bought on by under- nourishment. There are only two kinds of people in the world: the rich and poorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and between the two there is no connection. The present chapter attempts to focus attention on those of Anads novels which have for their theme another evil of no less magnitude- the system of class. Though class- consciousness is inseparable from caste- consciousness. This canker of class system often results in the segregation and subjugation of thousands of people into perpetual misery and eventual extinction. Class has certainly proved more divisive than caste Indian society because it is able to affect every section of the society at the economic, cultural and political levels. The novel Koolie Munnu is a dalit character apart from the Bakha in untouchable. Coolie perspectives a class- ridden society based on cash nexus which proves to be a more complicated and devious world than that one governed by asterism. In this world the underdog, the coolie in this case, though apparently free, is subject to more rigidity and deprivation unlike the sweeper who is assured of this place in the society because of the indispensability of his work. The coolie, ruthlessly exploited and eternally indebted, has no such assuranceor certitude and likes under the perpetual threat of (osing his job.) it is no wonder therefore that Munoo in coolie drifting form place to place for himself in society. What is brought out is a disturbing picture of a harassed underdog, a helpless victim of oppressive forces and a sport of a quixotic destin. He symbolizes the disinherited and the dispossessed of the earth whose tragic life indicates mans inhumanity to man. Coolie is veritable saga of unending pain, suffering and prolonged struggle punctuated only occasionally by brief moments of relief and hope. It presents the various experiences of Munoo at the hand of different Coolie is a veritable saga of unending pain, suffering and prolonged struggle punctuated only occasionally by brief moments of relief and hope. It presents the various experiences of Munoo at the hand of different exploiters in four different places. Thus it is only the exploiters that change: the exploited remains the same. It is same in the case of dalit people the exploiters that change they are the elect class and wealthy people the exploited remains the dalit. Mulk Raj Anands prominent among his novels are the village (1939), Across the Black waters. The road and the sword and the sickle are undoubtedly project a lively image of India. REPRESENTATION OF DALIT IN THE NOVELS OF THAKAZHY Thakazhy Sivasankara Pillai (17 April 1912- 10 April 1999) was a novelist and short storywriter of Malayalam language. He is popularly known as Thakazhy, after his place of birth. He was born in the village of Thakazh, in Kuttand, Alapuzha district of Kerala; he started to write stories when he was a schoolboy. His literary taste was nurtured by his high school headmaster Kainkkara Kumara Pillai (1900-1988).who exposed him to Indian literature. He met Kesari A Balakrishna Pillai (1889-1960) while pursuing his law studies in Tiruvananthapuram. He introduced Thakazhi to modern European literature and thought. His novels and short stories basically discussed various aspects of societies in Kerala in the Mid-20th century. He focused on the oppressed classes as the subject of his works, which are known for their attention to historic details. He has written several novels and over 600 short stories. His novel Tottiyude Makan (scavengers son, 1947) is considered a pioneer work in Malayalam realistic novel. It is about modernity challenging the rationale of the caste system, that ones profession should depend on pedigree. His political novel, Radidanagazhi (to measures, 1948) projected the evils of the feudal stem that prevailed in Kerala a ten, especially in Kuttand. The film adaptation, directed and produced by P.Subramaniam from a screenplay by Thakazhi himself, received a certificate of merit at the National Film Award in 1958. His love epic Chemmen (prawans, 1956) which was a departure from his earlier line of realism, met with immense popularity. It told a tragic love story set in the back drop of a fishing village in Alappuzha. The novel, and its film adaptation, also titled Chemmen (1965) earned him national and international fame. He was awarded Indias highest literary award, the Jnapith in 1984. He died in 10th April 1999. Chemmen is a Malayalam novel written by Thakazhi in 1956. Chemmeen tells the story of the relationship between between Karuthamma, the daughter of a Hindu fisherman, and Pareekutti, the son of a muslim wholesaler. The theme of the novel is a myth among the fisher man communities along the coastal Kerala state in the southern India. The myth is about chastity. If the married fisher women infidel when her husband was in the sea, the sea Goddess (Kadalamama) would consume him. Thakazhi made a departure from his a vowed commitment to realism as it appeared in his worie till then brought in a fish breeze of lyricism and romanticism. The novel acquires the quality of fable in which life in the fisher mans community is depicted with great emotional details. Chemmeen won the Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award Indias second highest literary prize in 1957. Chembankunjus only aim in life is to own a boat and a net. He finally succeeds in buying both with the help of Pareekutty a young muslim trader, on condition that fish hauled by the boat will be sold to him. Chembankunjus pretty daughter Karuthamma and Pareekutty love each other. Karuthamms, mother Chaki Knows about it and reminds her daughter about the life they lead within the boundaries of strict tradition. Karuthamma sacrifies her love for Pareekutty and marries Pallani, an orphan discovered by Chembankunju in the course of one of his fishing expeditions. Following the marriage, Karuthamma accompanies her husband to his village, despite her mothers sudden illness and her fathers request to stay in his fury, Chembankunju dishonest her. On acquiring a boat and a net and subsequently adding one more, Chembankunju becomes more greedy and heartless with his honesty he drives Pareekutty to bankruptcy. After the death of his wife, Chemban kunju marries Pappikkunju, the widow of the man from whom he had brought his first boat Panchami, Chembankunjus younger daughter, and leaves home to join Karuthamma has endeavored to be a good wife and moter. But scandal about her old love for Pareekutty spreads in the village. Pallaniz fiends ostracize him and refuse to take him fishing with them. By a shake of fate, Karuthamma and Pareekutty meet, one night and their old love is awakened. Palani at sea alone and baiting a shark, is caught in a huge whirlpool and is swallowed by the sea. Next morning Karuthamma and Pareekutty are also found dead hand in hand, washed ashore at a distance there lies a baited dead shark. In the novel chemmeen is the representations of Dalit literature mostly focus on Dalits such as blacks, lesbians, gays and other backward classes. Here Tahkazhi represents the Dalit people who are living in the coastal areas espeually they are known as muccuas. Mucuvas are the persons those who are living depended on seas. Sea was their Goddess. The sea gets an important role because their life is depending upon seas. As a mucuvas Karuthanna is entirely different from the other cast ladies. When analyzing the Dalit communities problems they are the vicitims of the social order. The novel chemmeen is the representation of the Dalit ladys problem. She did not get proper education and the right for anything our society considering caste as a major part to measure the value of human being. Here Karuthamma the Dalit lady physically appearing beautifully. Beauty is the one and only quality of her, lack of familiarity in the main stream of the Society badly affected her life as whole. The matters of education dont want to think the person those who are in the Dalit family. The Dalit people always working for their lively hood and earning money. They are not much aware about other developments happening in the society. Education influence the personality of ones irrespective the caste and gender. Illiterate life is the life in the dark. A human being at least should be aware about the world, how it is going on. But here the lady Karuthmma only knew her surroundings of the house . In this novel we cannot see the people from towns. The fisher mens only enjoyment is occurring when they get more fish. Their life is bound only in the sea shore. They are not much aware about they are not much aware about the other technologies and developments in the world. For example Karuthammas fathers main wish is none other that he wants to buy a boat and net of his own. That is what the major ultimate wish of that man. It shows that fishermans imitation of Dreams. For that he was ready cheat another man also. Details are often exploited by other upper class society. But here Karuthamma being exploited by her parents. If she has certain right undoubtedly she will use it. But in the case of her marriage, she did not get a life that she was intended. Unfortunately she was forced to forget the lover Pareekutty. At the same time we have to think about Pareekutty also. He has no the power and encourage to fight and make Karuthamma his own. Even in the patriarchy society Pareekutty is moving backward in the society. So definitely we can say that Dalit people are marginalising again and again. Randidangazhi is another Malayalam novel by Thakazhy Sivasankara Pillai in 1948. The novel tells the story of the cruelty meted out by feudal landlords to improvised farm laborers. It is widely regarded as one of the best political novels in the history of Malayalam literature. In 1958 a film adaptation with the same name was released. Chirutha (Miss Kumari) is the beautiful daughter of a peasant Ittitharakali. Her avaricious father wants to marry her off to the first person who can provide the penpanam or a sort of dowry system that prevailed in the community Koran and Chathan; two peasants are in love with Chiruthai. Chiruthai has a soft corner for Koran who decides to sell himself to the local land lord for a loan. Using this loan money Koran pays the penpanam and wins Chiruthas hand in marriage. A disput arises during the marriage. A landlord demand Thampran panam, a tax levied by the land lords at the time of marriage from their tenants, especially lower caste tenants. Chathan stands by Koran here. Koran and Chirutha move to the neighboring village work in the paddy fields and lead a happy life. Ouseph, the landlord here, is a cruel big of who exploits his laborers terribly Koran protests against this. He organizes the laborers and forms a union to protect their rights. For this he has to pay a huge penalty. Koran is wiped by the land lord. He turns a revolutionary, organizes protests against the land lord that also includes a strike in the fields. Koran also brings to light the shady deals of the land lord. These incidents make Koran a sort of rebel. The land lord hatches a conspiracy against Koran and the peasant leader falls into the trap. He is implicated of charges of theft. Fearing police arrest Koran flees the place. Chacko, the land lords son attempts to molest Chirutha but is foiled by timely arrival of Koran: in the ensuring struggle he strangles Chacko to death. Before Koran is arrested and sentenced to ten years rigorous imprisonment, he had a pregnant Chirutha to C hathan, his intimate friend, and who always nursed a silent love for her.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Essay on national service program
The National Service Program proposal by the US congress once heard will immediately pose a lot of questions. But many of those questions have been answered by the different corps that has been providing utmost help to those who need. Through the National Service Program, public schools would be able to provide the education every child needs, the quality of life improved by providing easy and fast access to public health, providing food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless, environment conservation and protection, care giving to the elders and being there when a community experiences such devastating calamites and disasters like hurricanes, flooding and such terror activities. Most of the time, people would be willing to extend their service, but sometimes they just don’t know where or how (McCain, 2001).With the proposal, almost every single American would be able to show their patriotism to the country. A lot of opportunities to serve others are present, and still many ar e not doing a thing. By providing means on where one could serve, that way, he or she would be able to determine what service could be provided according to his or her knowledge, skills and abilities. Serving the country is not just about joining the army and being involved in wars over Iraq, Vietnam and Afghanistan. Fortunately, a lot of different corps is available depending on the mode of service they provide.The corp can be a group that can provide measures in making a community safe from any kind of crime and terrorists activities. The program also extends its help to countries in overseas by providing means in solving challenges for the development of a nation. Talents and skills are shared in this program for those who want to improve and further develop their capacities(Marshall, 2007). The service programs could be the key for students entering the college in choosing the career path they would be taking. A study has shown that students in high school that were engaged in a community service are more likely to finish college compared to those who have not joined such activity. Also, improvement in their reading skills, mathematics and science is evident(Roscow, 2007).Having a national service program instead of a voluntary or selective program will result into a lot of inevitable issues regarding freedom. Making or compelling the citizens to work for two years will greatly affect their lives. A family man working hard to raise his family would not have two years to serve others. He would of course be putting his family first before others. Or course the government cannot satisfy or at least provide the necessities that a family needs if their provider is gone and doing national service, would they?Two years of public service is too much, considering the fact that it would be full time. Another issue that would be raised is how the government would compel millions of citizens to do national service. Would there be laws that would prosecute a person if he or she did not perform the necessary tasks he or she is into? If so, would it not violate the rights and freedom of the general public? A lot of issues are needed to be considered before passing the proposal especially those ones that concerns the rights and freedom of every American citizen.The government alone cannot rely on the workforce is has. It needs more than it could have in providing services. As every American individual obtain the ever ending rights, entitlements and freedom, obligation to the nation lacks. And some don’t even know what really is their responsibility and obligation to their country. John Kennedy once told the country about not asking what a nation or a country do for them but it’s about doing something for the country (Healy, 2007). With the National Service Program, billion of hours of service could be provided in making a country far well-protected, stronger and a better place. It not only teaches patriotism but responsibility and comp assion as a whole. Not everyone could be called a hero like those that have saved lives or the war veterans in World War II, but by providing service to your fellow countrymen, you can be a their hero.Healy, A. L. Y. a. M. (2007). Citizenship means giving something back. THe Denver Post.Marshall, W. (2007). Ideas for national service that would benefit America. The Sacramento Bee.McCain, J. (2001). Putting the â€Å"National†in National Service [Electronic Version]. Washington Monthly. Retrieved July 1, 2007 from, D. (2007). Academic Performance Enhanced By High School Civic Engagement. CIRCLE.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Brand equity Essay
How much a product can earn over its identical competitor by virtue of its brand, determines its brand equity. It can be a neat result of many factors like years of experience, proven track record of quality, legacy, emotional bondage and company outlook, where it adds more value to the product and thereby helps the product to score over its identical competitors. Without brand equity a product loses its competitive advantage, and for that matter some companies â€Å"measure brand equity relying on financial measures of brand performance†(Dobney, 2007). Thus Brand India should be able to score over its Asian counterpart. Figure – 3 The brand management chain (Based on Wood, 2000; Kapferer, 2004) Integration of the theoretical constructs brand equity (Aaker, 1996) and brand orientation could be instrumental in the understanding of brand value, where brand equity commands more attention as it aims for generating long-term values for the company by â€Å"understanding the conceptual basis for the value of brand and its implications†(Keller, 1993). Brand loyalty. Brand loyalty refers to the customers’ consistent preference to buy a selected brand in a particular product category, irrespective of other provocative options presented by the competitor of that brand. This situation occurs after the customers make a trial run of the brand and get convinced about the efficacy of that brand towards fulfilling certain needs of theirs and decide to buy that brand again and again. That practice â€Å"forms the habit and thus customers continue purchasing the same brand because the product is safe and familiar†(Giddens, 2002). This situation speaks of the dual responsibility of branding too, where on one hand it should influence the rationality of its prospective customers, while invoking the emotional response among them on the other. As for example, a particular meal in a restaurant might declare about a possible health benefit with the inclusion of tomato in it by saying, â€Å"lycopene in tomato lowers the risk of cancer†, thereby influencing the rationality of the customers, and at the same time it can evoke the nostalgia in customers by labelling the meal as â€Å"grandma’s special recipe†. In this strategy lies the clue of embedding medical/healthcare tourism with general tourism and Incredible India should utilize it. Figure – 4 Brand Awareness: Brand awareness is â€Å"a gauge of marketing effectiveness measured by the ability of a customer to recognize and/or recall a name, image or other mark associated with a particular brand†(Waters, 2008). Though brand awareness cannot measure the customers’ approach towards the brand, yet it is very helpful in forming a positive attitude among the target audience about the brand. Incredible India Campaign should take care of that. Figure – 5 The above diagram shows that recollection or identification ability first created ‘aided awareness in the prospective customers, which might convert into a top-of mind awareness, if the brand convinces customers either with its logistics or direct service. Thus, brand awareness can work on two folds, primarily making its way into the mind of the customer and then working on its way to achieve the recognition, where the brand first generates strategic awareness in customers, where the customers understands the distinctive qualities of the product and associates them with their need. Current campaign strategy of Incredible India lacks that finesse. Brand Value While brand loyalty proves to be a cost-saving yet effective tool to garner higher sales, brand value â€Å"reflects how a product’s name, or company name is perceived by the marketplace†(Free, 2004), which involves both target audience and the general audience. Brand value can be tangible too, in the event of a brand being sold, where extracting the value of the brand from the value provided by other, tangible, resources becomes possible (Simon, C. J. & Sullivan, M. J. , 1993, Conchar, et al, 2005). From this perspective, even the title of the campaign in discussion, Incredible India needs to be reviewed and if needed may be replaced. The name should denote the power and strength of a brand. As for example, â€Å"if Coca-Cola’s facilities Atlanta were to burn overnight, the company would still be able to start up the next day due to its brand value†(What, 1998). Therefore it is the success story of a company that earns its brand value. However, to gauge the impact of brand value, the company needs to take help of empirical research. The process might then looks like below (Persson): Figure – 6 Brand value is the outcome of consistent and successful brand building, where the action of the company would speak louder than words, besides proving its ethical standings in the marketplace. IV. 7. Brand personality Much like a human being, a brand too serves as the ambassador of the company personality, depicting its outlook and aspirations, besides its services and promises. Thus much depends on the carriage of the brand, because it is the coveted message of the company to the outer world about its activities, aims, aspirations and promises – in short, a package of total company outlook. From this angle too, the campaign in discussion needs to be reviewed. Figure – 7 A strong brand does more than it meets the eye, however, its activity should be powered towards achieving the targeted benefit out of it. For that matter, the first step towards creating a strong brand â€Å"is to identify the benefits†(Saarte, 2008). Target benefit would surely help to determine the nature of the branding, which would help the company to identify the necessary elements into branding, such as company image, the USP of its product, type of promises, and desired platforms of bonding and more. Incredible India is yet to create a clear USP to position itself. V. Conclusion/Recommendation The detailed discussion and analysis above clearly shows that Incredible India Campaign falls far too short in achieving its desired outcome and thus needs to be thoroughly reviewed and modified to meet the demand of the time and position India as a strong brand in the global tourism market. Thus this study recommends following steps towards achieving the target of building a strong Brand India in the global market: 1. Incredible India needs to review its name, packaging, price and its history and modify it concerning the current demand. 2. Ensuring that it becomes capable of Delivering the message clearly.  Confirming the credibility of the company. Connectingthe target prospects emotionally. Motivating the buyers.  Concretizing the user loyalty 3. Incredible India has to focus more on emphasizing emotional bond with UK through exploiting the earlier history of close communication. 4. It must study and research other Asian countries pros and cons in this sector to ensure that Brand India should be able to score over them. 5. It should embed medical/healthcare tourism with general tourism to generate brand loyalty. 6. Through constant, consistent, cohesive and cogent campaign, it should create the brand awareness (UK still have a poor awareness, around 30%) 7. Periodic assessment of the campaign is a must to check the brand value. 8. Campaign should get facelift periodically with a central theme of personality. Ends. References Aaker, D. A. (1996) Building Strong Brands. The Free Press, New York. ISBN 0-02- 900151-X Atithi Debo Bhava. (2004) Incredible India [online] available from http://www. incredibleindia. org/newsite/atithidevobhava. htm [accessed 4 September 2008] Bizhelp. (2008) What is Branding? [online] available from http://www. bizhelp24. com/marketing/what-is-branding-. html [accessed 4 September 2008] Brand Definition. 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